Saturday, December 28, 2013

How a Real Estate Investment Group in Beverly Hills Can Help You with Funding

Eyeing your favorite property and eager to make the purchase? Consider this for a moment: on one end of the scale is your maximum loan amount. On the other you have the highest property investment amount. How much money do you need to pay up initially? That's actually up to your lender – individuals whose assistance most investors seek in a bid to grab the property of their choice before things get too hot. A real estate investment group in Beverly Hills can get you in touch with just the right lenders. Now here's what you need to know at a glance: lenders usually demand a 20% down payment. So let's say you're purchasing property worth $291,000, you'd have to put down $58,000 as a down payment. Sound scary? Certain extraneous factors like federal tax credits have reduced down payment requirements for investors – as low as 3.5%, in addition to offering monetary assistance worth $8,000.